Supporting Families in Endonyolasho During the Pandemic

If you’ve been partnering with Alabaster, you know our friends in Endonyolasho. This Maasai community was the first one we visited, and you have helped us build a clinic and staff house, a water tank, and a library. Most importantly, you have helped us build dignity and hope.
Our friends in Endonyolasho are feeling the impact of the pandemic. We thank God that the virus hasn’t touched their remote community yet, but the economic ramifications have. They are experiencing hardship.
That is why Alabaster Mobile Clinic is partnering with Girl Child Network to provide families in Endonyolasho with COVID Solidarity Packs that contain basic food and household supplies. These packages will provide immediate relief and cushion vulnerable families from the unexpected shifts in daily life. Each one communicates what Alabaster seeks to remind the communities with which we partner: they are not forgotten.
This project is even more important to us because we don’t know when we’ll be able to visit next. We have traveled to Endonyolasho every year since 2012, and this consistency is part of what has built our relationship. Being able to help them in a time of incredible need is even more important.
Each package costs $30--for many of us, it’s the cost of a take-out dinner or a tank of gas. For them, it’s a month of food and supplies to sustain their families and help them through uncertainty.
Our goal is to provide 150 COVID Solidarity Packs. As of the end of June, donors have stepped up and helped us to reach nearly half of this goal. Thanks to committed monthly supporters, we are also able to purchase personal protective equipment, face masks and gloves for community leaders and the clinic to ensure the safety and health of the community.
We would love for you to join us! Go to the Donate page and designate your gift to the Endonyolasho Covid Relief. Thank you for joining us. We are so grateful for you, and so proud to have you as an Alabaster Ambassador.